subscriptions were not removed Unable to remove domain Parallels Plesk 1

subscriptions were not removed Unable to remove domain Parallels Plesk

subscriptions were not removed Unable to remove domain Parallels Plesk

Error: Some of the selected subscriptions were not removed.
Unable to remove domain: cObject::update() failed: Some fields are empty or contain an improper value. (‘opt’ = ”)

The issue is caused by database inconsistency.

The opt value is missing in psa.dns_recs table for affected domains eg. domain.extn


mysql> select recs.displayVal, recs.type, recs.opt from dns_recs recs join dns_zone zone on where recs.type='PTR' and recs.dns_zone_id in (select id from dns_zone where name='domain.tld');
| displayVal  | type | opt |
| domain.tld. | PTR  |     |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

This can be resolved by adding required records on the psa.dns_recs table.
First you need to login to the mysql of the plesk.

On Linux

On Plesk 11.0 and older:

# mysql -uadmin -p`cat /etc/psa/.psa.shadow` psa

From Plesk 11.5 You can use the single command to login to the plesk db.

# plesk db

On Windows

Execute the following commands in the command prompt:

"%plesk_dir%\MySQL\bin\mysql" -P8306 -uadmin -p<plesk_admin_password> psa

Once logged in, Just take full backup of the plesk mysql.

Update psa.dns_recs table by the following command:

mysql> update dns_recs set opt='24'  where type='PTR' and dns_zone_id in (select id from dns_zone where name='domain.extn');

Make sure, you change the domain.extn to the problem domain name.

Now, go back to the plesk control panel and try deleting the hosting account.

That is all, do visit again for more guides & to do.


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