Running statistics on Windows Plesk Servers will take huge time to complete.
What, If you wanted to know the current usage of one domains ?
What If you wanted to once domains stats immediately ?
Well, you dont have to run the statistics.exe command of plesk and wait for long time.
I have searched the Internet a lot for processing only one domains statistics on the Plesk Windows Platform. I cant fine one.
So, this is for some one who wanted.
Once you logged into the server through RDP, open a cmd prompt and type >> cd %plesk_bin%
This will change directory to
C:\Program Files (x86)\Parallels\Plesk\admin\bin\
Type the below command, and change the domain to your domain name
statistics --disk-usage
If you are running Plesk for Windows 11 & Higher use the Below Command.
statistics.exe --generate-domain-webstat
You can also recalculate statistics for domain
"%plesk_bin%\statistics.exe" --calculate-one --domain-name "%plesk_bin%\statistics.exe" --generate-domain-webstat --domain-name
This site is like a classroom, ecpext I don’t hate it. lol