issue on suspending & unsuspending the hosting accounts in Windows Plesk

When you try suspending an account in windows plesk, you would get the below error message

ERROR: PleskUserException
Unable to activate/deactivate domain: Execute ftpmng --remove-vhost "" failed:
Execute ftpmng --reconfigure-all failed:

Additionally, an exception has occurred while trying to report this error: PleskFatalException
Execute ftpmng --remove-vhost "" failed:
Execute ftpmng --reconfigure-all failed:

0: DomainToggleUIPointer.php:28
DomainToggleUIPointer->disableDomain(object of type BsDomain)
1: client.domain.toggle.php:44
plesk__client__domain__toggle->accessItem(string 'GET', NULL null)
2: UIPointer.php:601
UIPointer->access(string 'GET')
3: plesk.php:43


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